Forensic Site
Forensic Web Space
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- Latent Print Examination
- - Information and links about scientific procedures for examination, Expert Certification (CLPE), the FBI sponsored Scientific Working Group on Friction Ridge Analysis, Study and Technology (SWGFAST), Erroneous Latent Print Identification Examples, Automated Fingerprint Identification Systems (AFIS), Fingerprint Expert Job Postings, Latent Print Examiner Expert Testimony, Fingerprinting Merit Badge, and more.
(Added: 12-Jul-2005 Hits: 14433 Rating: 2.73
Votes: 61) Rate It
- A Ridge Too Far
- A Fingerprint resource with news, views and debate on the forum pages. Come on in!
(Added: 2-Jan-2003 Hits: 4969 Rating: 2.89
Votes: 9) Rate It
- AFIX Tracker - PC-based AFIS
- After 10 years of development and almost 3 years in the field, there's no question: this system works. To date over 100 law enforcement agencies worlwide are using AFIX fingerprint matching technology.
(Added: 24-Aug-2000 Hits: 4462 Rating: 2.80
Votes: 39) Rate It
- Charltonville
- A general and fun location for discussion of fingerprint issues and other forensic chat from the editor of Fingerprint Whorld. Plus a good line in humour!!
(Added: 24-Oct-2001 Hits: 3435 Rating: 5.50
Votes: 2) Rate It
- Fingerprints
- Manufacturer of Quality Fingerprint Pads.
5 sizes to choose from. Thousands in stock , orders are shipped the same day the order is received.
(Added: 8-Dec-2004 Hits: 2713 Rating: 9.50
Votes: 2) Rate It
- Fingerprints
- The largest Dutch site on fingerprints
(Added: 17-Sep-2003 Hits: 4761 Rating: 6.00
Votes: 3) Rate It
- Forensic equipment
- Superglue Fuming Cabinet - DFO - Inhydrin - Forensic equipment - Tear Gas Ejector weapons - Special weapons
(Added: 2-Dec-2003 Hits: 3193 Rating: 1.94
Votes: 16) Rate It
- A forensic impression evidence discussion site with main emphasis on latent finger prints. Primarily for posting of opinions and articles regarding impression evidence.
(Added: 6-Jan-2000 Hits: 6129 Rating: 3.20
Votes: 5) Rate It
- Low Cost AFIS & APIS - PrintQuest
- PrintQuest AFIS/APIS: Top accuracy for fingerprint and palmprint matching as proved in past side-by-side tests. In use in Federal site and City PD's. Get a Loaner PC-AFIS from each vendor , with a vendor database of 1,000 or 10,000 cards, add your 10-50 cards, and 20-50 latents and compare the number of hits, AND the position in the candidate lists. Low Cost PC AFIS (<10K cards) and Server Based (<1 M cards)
(Added: 3-Jan-2005 Hits: 2837 Rating: 4.17
Votes: 6) Rate It
- Palmprint and Fingerprint Capture & Matching System
- First Low Cost AFIS & APIS System with FBI Certified Scanner for 500 or 1000 ppi (Cards) and 1000 ppi (Latents), running on desktop PC and using top accuracy algorithm. Optional fingerprint UV imager (RUVIS), Forensic Light Source (FLS), Fingerprint enhancement software (ImaQuest) and comparison software (IdentQuest).
(Added: 3-Jan-2005 Hits: 3792 Rating: 5.50
Votes: 2) Rate It
- Problem Idents
- There is zero tolerance for friction ridge identification errors in forensic science.
Ignoring standards causes errors. A minimum number of Galton detail "points" does NOT equal an identification standard. The standard is not a number.
As demonstrated on this page, relying on a specific number of allegedly matching "points" can be a formula for disaster.
(Added: 21-Oct-1999 Hits: 4064 Rating: 6.67
Votes: 3) Rate It
- Ridges and Furrows
- Explores the science, technology, history, and premises of fingerprint identification.
(Added: 25-Apr-2001 Hits: 5214 Rating: 7.25
Votes: 4) Rate It
- SWGFAST is the FBI - supported Scientific Working Group on fingerprinting or Friction Ridge Analysis.
(Added: 30-Apr-2000 Hits: 2968 Rating: 4.25
Votes: 4) Rate It
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